Thanks, but no thanks

By chiraag87 - 06/11/2009 18:37 - United States

Today, I was called into work to fix up their projection system. I drove 40 kilometers in peak hour to get there. As soon as I parked my car and was about to walk in, I got a phone call saying "Don't worry, we fixed it, you don't have to come in." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 479
You deserved it 2 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did California switch to the metric system without telling the rest of us?

you're in cali and you go by km?? we use miles here, buddy.


EqualycrazyyJen 0

you're in cali and you go by km?? we use miles here, buddy.

perdix 29

Even worse, he used "kilometres" not "kilometers," and used the term "peak hour." The OP damn well better be a foreigner, because if he is an American who uses this language, he would need a beating.

perdix 29

I love you, Mercy, I laught so hard my knickers fell off and so did my rubber. I need to invest in a better pencil so my rubber stays put. Waight, that didn't sound right. . .

Mikesta178 0

Argh! He's using the ENGLISH language correctly. Although 'peak hour' is kinda weird, 'kilometres' is a correct spelling. Maybe he got mixed up between 'rush hour' and 'peak time'.

Congratulations to him for using the ENGLISH language :P But yeah, we say peak hour here in Australia.. maybe it comes from all the American television shows we watch

Plex-- er, perdix, and MercyFML, that was ******* brilliant. People like you are practically the only reason I still read this site.

falconpunch125 0

Did California switch to the metric system without telling the rest of us?

We can be considered a third world country now that we're so broke.

perdix 29

You fixed their damned projection system by mental telepathy on the way over. Charge them double!

I read somewhere that the US is legally supposed to use the metric system but no one ever bothered enforcing the law.

Seconded. Kudos to the OP. It's about time we got rid of the outdated empirical system.

Skull_300 0

Easy Money!$! Time to party....It's the weekend! **** them!!!