By NotDrunk - 04/04/2015 00:42 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I was pulled over by a policeman. He thought I was drunk, after doing the "walk in a straight line" test and the "finger-to-nose" test. It wasn't until after I got a fine that I got it through to him that I have cerebellar ataxia, and that I wasn't drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 021
You deserved it 2 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should definitely be able to appeal the fine, especially if he gave it to you without a breathalyzer test as concrete proof

askullnamedbilly 33

Sorry if that's a stupid question, but how are you even allowed to drive a car with a condition that affects your coordination and balance? That doesn't sound safe at all.


im a dr, n i hav legit concern regarding u driving. if ure neurologist cleared u, fine but cerebellar ataxia is not the same as other disabilities such as being a paraplegic or having episodes of menieres. sorry to offend but not passing the police tests does concern me . indicates lack of spatial coordination which is needed in driving. i think the others hav brought up gd concern n not discrimination against ppl with disabilities. i hav not cleared pts for less such as drivers without gd control of seizures or those who drive drunk

Okay, before they administer those tests they are supposed to ask "do you have any medical conditions that would prevent you from performing. .."and then tell you the test. Sorry to hear you got one of the seeming ever increasing number of dunce cops out there, hope you got it on video.

wow, that cop is definitely not "protecting" and "serving" what an ass.

haven't you Americans heard of breathalyzers...certainly more effective and quicker to use than do some silly tests. Just because you can walk in a straight line doesn't mean your drunken reaction time is quick enough to react to control a vehicle

i get ataxia too at random times its the worst! its like i have no control over my body or speech and everyone thinks its me being drunk unless i explain plus i usually freak out and have an anxiety attack when it happens

katydid91 31

Am I the only one who read it as "Pulled over by a pelican"?

The tap your nose is not a real test there are only three. Heal to toe: walking in a straight where your heel hitting your toe for ten steps with a pivot and ten steps back. The one leg stand: foot ten inches above the ground and you count for fifteen second. One Mississippi. Kinda counting. And the vertical and horizontal gaze nigstagmis) (it's miss spelled I can't remember it's been three years.) but this one you follow the pen and the are looking for the twitch your eye does while it follows. Typically worse on drug. Most officers just use a breathalyzer now anyways

I don't know about Texas, but in VA if they don't breathalyze you they can't ticket you. I mean they can write the ticket, but without a the breathalyzer you can get the ticket waived by a judge for failure to follow procedure.

sue him. easy win if you have the medical diagnosis papers.

Is it diffrent over there from in Scotland? I am also a disabled driver and before I could take lessons I had to be assesed to make sure I was able to drive and safe to do so