By scaredofhedges - 07/01/2013 10:21 - United States - San Diego

Today, I was on a plane and realized that the woman next to me was hiding a hedgehog in a plastic container. I'm severely afraid of hedgehogs but not wanting to give the woman up and get her in trouble, I tried to stay quiet. Which led to me to quietly hyperventilate and pass out on the plane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 657
You deserved it 7 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That has to be the weirdest thing to have a phobia of!

I can't sleep now that I know there are people who don't report hedgehogs on planes.


Who needs "Snakes on a Plane" when you can have hedgehogs instead!

Was it a seeing eye hedge-hog? I'm just curios how she was able to sneak the animal on the plane? Especially, with all the metal detective-- shoe removal-- be there two hours before your flight hassle. For Pete sake, they'll even confiscate your can of cheez whiz because it's considered a "liquid" but an animal was able to pass?

Airport security does suck. They took my bouncy ball. I think the security guard just wanted it for himself. I loved that thing.

You really should have told the flight attendant. What she was doing was probably illegal.

Hedgehogs are so cute though... how can you be scared of them o.o They're tiny and super shy of humans anyway, aren't they?

Hedge hogs on a plane. Starring Samuel L Jackson.

Me thinks someone is imagining hedgehogs hidden in plastic containers.

guyverzerox 6

How the hell are you afraid of a hedgehog?

How freaking random. Honestly what are the odds a woman with a hedgehog and a woman with a phobia of hedgehogs would be seated together on a plane? You, OP, are a bad luck Brian. Lol. Sorry.