By Catlover234 - 02/10/2015 19:08 - United States - Madison

Today, I was mistaken for a prostitute after I got into the front seat of an elderly man's car. The man was my grandfather, and he was taking me to a doctor's appointment, since I wasn't going to be allowed to drive home after it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 953
You deserved it 2 160

Catlover234 tells us more.

Hi, OP here, I created an account to better explain what happened. This actually happened a few months ago. I was at the beach with some friends and didn't have the time to change out of my swimsuit when my grandpa showed up. We only took one car and the beach wasn't very far away from my grandparent's house, so my grandpa agreed to pick me up from the beach and take to my eye doctor appointment. I couldn't drive home because I was getting drops in my eyes. Some very loud girls in their late teens/early twenties saw me get in the passenger seat, pointed at me and said "She's a hooker!" loud enough for me to hear. My grandpa's hard of hearing, so he didn't hear it. I was dressed in my swimsuit like pretty much everyone else on the beach. Everything else was in my beach bag.

Top comments

Those girls sound like morons mistaking someone in a swimsuit, near a beach, for a prostitute. Nothing to be embarrassed about OP ?

Mistaken by who? A cop? A random bystander?


Well I guess the silver lining is you look, um, "payable"

I too get thought to be a prostitute when entering an elderly mans car for an ''appointment''

that sucks but I've been mistaken for a prostitute more than once just depends on location more than anything

When I first read it, I thought OP meant her grandfather thought she was a prostitute.

OP, we need a follow up with details.

MonstreBelle 28

You don't have to be dressed like a ***** to be mistaken for one. Have you seen some of the women who have been caught on Cops with their People-of-Walmart-esque appearance?

Hi, OP here, I created an account to better explain what happened. This actually happened a few months ago. I was at the beach with some friends and didn't have the time to change out of my swimsuit when my grandpa showed up. We only took one car and the beach wasn't very far away from my grandparent's house, so my grandpa agreed to pick me up from the beach and take to my eye doctor appointment. I couldn't drive home because I was getting drops in my eyes. Some very loud girls in their late teens/early twenties saw me get in the passenger seat, pointed at me and said "She's a hooker!" loud enough for me to hear. My grandpa's hard of hearing, so he didn't hear it. I was dressed in my swimsuit like pretty much everyone else on the beach. Everything else was in my beach bag.

Those girls sound like morons mistaking someone in a swimsuit, near a beach, for a prostitute. Nothing to be embarrassed about OP ?

Thanks for the follow up . Hope your vision is better than grandpa's hearing.

Those girls sound like idiots do they not have the brain capacity for common sense

Thank you this clears up a lot. My first impression was that your grandpa had dementia and after agreeing to pick you up and getting there, got confused and thought you were a hooker.

So were you going to change in the car? At the doctor's? Have your eye appointment in your swimsuit?

carscars89 3

At least you know you have a backup plan should your chosen profession fail