By Abyssal - 04/04/2011 18:29 - United States

Today, I was making love to my wife from behind. As we both reached climax at the same time, she threw her head back in ecstasy just as I buckled forward with pleasure. We slammed our heads together, effectively ending our orgasms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 173
You deserved it 11 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

andres19 0

that's why you wear protection


thatsmeh 0
kpsmith 0

You're clearly doing it wrong.

she deserves it for faking an ******...

kinga08 0

1. You're having sex with your wife. 2. You were having sex in a position other than missionary. 3. You both achieved ******. 4. You both achieved ****** at the same time--something many couples have to work hard at to accomplish. This is not an FML, sir. You should be very grateful & happy! Go have some more sex and stop complaining :)

hahahaha so ******* true and i love your eyes

joa76 3

If you have to work hard, you're doing it wrong... Is it even possible to make it happen if you're trying? I think it's supposed to be one of those things that just happens.

natysogy 2

i agree with both 79 & 106. sometimes it just happens, sometimes you have to try =/

joa76 3

I'm really not sure why that got so many thumbs down...I don't know about everyone else, but as far as I know it's almost impossible to get off if you're concentrating on it, let alone trying to make it happen when, but not before, the other person gets off. You really just have to be in synch with the other person to get off at the same time, not actually TRY for it. I suppose it's easier for the guy, though, since he can get her close and then let himself go, whereas it takes so much longer for a girl to get off (and it's no big deal if she gets off before him, since girls can easily have multiple orgasms), it'd be nearly impossible for her to get close enough to time it right.

kinga08 0

Joa, I get what you mean, but by "work hard" I meant it takes time for couples to figure out that sync you're talking about. In my opinion, you need to have good sexual chemistry and know each others bodies for both of you to ****** at the same time. Some couples unfortunately just can't get it to happen, which stinks for them!

Aww, laugh it off and go again! Every good couple knows that sexy-time-fails are just lol-fodder and an excuse to have more sex :D I'm ridiculously clumsy and have banged various body parts against various walls and furniture so many times. It doesn't mean you should get upset, haha.