By ouch - 19/12/2009 15:15 - United States

Today, I was lying in bed with the worst stomach cramps ever. My boyfriend came, looked at me writhing in pain, and said, "Well at least if it's a tapeworm you'll get skinnier." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 344
You deserved it 3 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him "I may be fat but you're ugly. I can lose weight. "

Because it's the worst ones SHE's ever had, you complete moron.


Lmao. Im sorry but this made me laugh. Not exactly an FML tho

I think it is, stomach cramps and the bf calling her fat. Yeah, op's life sucks

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veganphotog 0

For reals, did you verify this?

Because it's the worst ones SHE's ever had, you complete moron.

halliekayy 0

atleast hesgiving you the silver lining on the situation :)

I would have slapped him. Not relle. But itd b offended


Well if it's your time of the month, fat people do get worse cramps than thin people. XDD

tam_tiger 0

Shaister FTW!!!!! Hahahaha harpooned walrus..