By Anonymous - 21/05/2009 17:16 - United States

Today, I was looking over some old notes from high school when I came across a list of things I wanted to accomplish by the time I'm 25. I haven't accomplished a single one. I'm 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 253
You deserved it 16 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kinda depends on the goals. If they were like "become the next Hitler" or "kill many babies" I'd say it's good you haven't accomplished them.

Well, you've got a list of things to do. Get cracking!


idontgiveone 0

is it "be a princess who lives in a castle."

What kind of person has notes from high school when they're 26? I threw out all of mine the minute I graduated. But don't worry about it, because most high school students don't have any idea what they want to do in life. Or if they do, they change their minds. Just make your goal to be happy. That's all you really need, right? People's priorities change.

sxyblnd307 0

just make the goal to like 30! it all works...25 to 30 same thing! :) good luck!

i just had the best idea! things to do before you're 27: get off your ******* ass

rAdi0k0n 0

Well that was High School man/girl! Think of all the things you HAVE accomplished that aren't on that list!

#29 - HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It probably was filled with things that are basically undoable. :SS Sorry, though. START THE LIST!

wowfmlife 0

LOOOOSSEEERRRR! everyone who is saying that its fine because they weren't realisic or you change your mind when you get older, you're missing the point. if this person had become somehow successful then there wouldn't be a FML post about it

The first thing on the list should have been "don't lose this list and then find it again as soon as the deadline is over".

bananaface7 0

Well check and see if the things on the list are realistic or not for the age of 25.

LoveToSmile101 0

agree with #44 Go back and check your list.See what is actually realistic.