By Anonymous - 21/05/2009 17:16 - United States

Today, I was looking over some old notes from high school when I came across a list of things I wanted to accomplish by the time I'm 25. I haven't accomplished a single one. I'm 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 253
You deserved it 16 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kinda depends on the goals. If they were like "become the next Hitler" or "kill many babies" I'd say it's good you haven't accomplished them.

Well, you've got a list of things to do. Get cracking!


AntiChrist7 0

YDI for making the list. you watch too much tv

you're 26 & still have your notes from highschool? shit. and you were reading them. far out. If the list consists of fun things - do them. otherwise, burn it.

grazynaanka 0

Things change. People change. Some of your goals could have be unrealstic. I thought for sure I was gonna be an athletic trainer by now. However, my plans changed. I found my passion was in forensic psych. Think about all you have accomplished. That's what's important. And set goals for yourself but, don't give them a strict deadline. You're only 26 and still very young. @ #25 everyone fails at one thing or another in their lives. we are all humans. humans fail at things. whether it's something big or small.

urbwzrd 0

not a big deal, there are many people with such lists, including me and most of us i believe didn't accomplish them either! the thing is, check the list again, if you still care any of them, begin them again...

That's ok, you're young and there's plenty of time. Change it to things to do by 30, and get crackin on that list! Looking at the list is surely a motivator.

YDI, quit whining and get off your butt and do something.

fmylifefmylife12 0

Just review the list and re-evaluate your life to see if anything is relevant to you today. When I was in high school I planned on being a music major in college and performing in a symphony. After one year of college I left to tour the country with a music group and didn't return to school until 25. At that time I decided to change my major to Forestry. I went backpacking across the country and then left school for awhile to live on an Indian Reservation. I have since changed my major to Wildlife Conservation. I would never have predicted any of the above would happen, however I have no regrets about the path I have taken. It's good to have goals to keep you on track but sometimes getting hung up on them keeps you from enjoying all the surprises life has to offer.

baydestrian_girl 0

The same thing happened with me HAHA..You're not alone