By Noname - 08/02/2009 03:39 - United States

Today, I was kicked out of my track team's locker room because the coach said there weren't enough lockers for everyone on the team. There are 74 lockers and only 52 girls on the team. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 923
You deserved it 2 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, this is called "busting your balls." Well I guess I don't know what it's called for girls. Anyway, you probably did piss poor during practice and the coach was just mad at you. Next round be sure to step it up. Even though it's highschool/college or whatever you're in, it doesn't mean it's play time on the tracks. Remember, it's about giving your all, and if you're a quitter or just someone who doesn't care or don't take it seriously, then you're not going to have a locker... ever in life. Just go out the next day in practice, and do the best you can. Drink plenty of water at nights, and be sure to eat a banana before and you'll be running those relays quicker than a jack rabbit on a first date.

happygoluckyhh 0

What makes you think all of the lockers were just for the team? Maybe some were for another team or the falculty? I don't know where you come from but from where I come from ONE team doesn't own the entire locker rooms. (Don't respond if you disagree, I'm just saying...and I could be wrong.) Also, if you tried out (assuming you did) and got on the team, what's there to worry about?


Hey, this is called "busting your balls." Well I guess I don't know what it's called for girls. Anyway, you probably did piss poor during practice and the coach was just mad at you. Next round be sure to step it up. Even though it's highschool/college or whatever you're in, it doesn't mean it's play time on the tracks. Remember, it's about giving your all, and if you're a quitter or just someone who doesn't care or don't take it seriously, then you're not going to have a locker... ever in life. Just go out the next day in practice, and do the best you can. Drink plenty of water at nights, and be sure to eat a banana before and you'll be running those relays quicker than a jack rabbit on a first date.

at my school, we only have a locker room for guys sports. and it's not a little Podunk school, there are 2500 students

jkqd 1

Either don't play sports or get used to being bossed around. I'd opt for the first option, since sports are pretty much awful.

track_cheetah 0

im on track too, all the girls are such bitches in the looker room though.

lmfao does that mean you counted every locker in that change room? hm... obsessive?

flighted 1

or maybe...she knows how many girls are in track ?

blink_kid 32

Or the last one is just numbered 74...? Think about it.

#1 I think it would be called "Busting your vigina"

CHILL222 0

ur track team has its own locker room? damn u go to private?

happygoluckyhh 0

What makes you think all of the lockers were just for the team? Maybe some were for another team or the falculty? I don't know where you come from but from where I come from ONE team doesn't own the entire locker rooms. (Don't respond if you disagree, I'm just saying...and I could be wrong.) Also, if you tried out (assuming you did) and got on the team, what's there to worry about?

happygoluckyhh 0

Why are you thinking the locker are only for your team? Maybe it's for another team or falculty. As one person said, it's happened before. Also, you haven't been kicked off the team, just out of the locker rooms.

LITTLEc0516 0

Nobody gets kicked out of Track. Its a sport anyone can join at most middle/high schools. If morbidly obese slow people can join & run, why can't you? Yay for the fat people, who are trying!

trak is awesome. try running it for a few years nd then say its gay.