By Anonymous - 18/06/2009 13:05 - United States

Today, I was installing the official 3.0 firmware update for my iPhone. Apple's authentication servers crashed. I now own an iBrick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 153
You deserved it 9 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

put your iphone into DFU mode, then boot it with 1clickboot.

Aww... I'm sure they can do something about that though.


boo ******* hoo. a day wothout ur phone! wat r u gonna do? omg!

YDI for buying an Apple product...that does suck though :(

Timismaster 0

my dick, is by far the best phone. Grab it, squeeze it, tease it, and it even doubles as a drink! (Shaken, not stirred Butler.)

Qwertyuioas8 0

Sorry but it's impossible to brick your iPhone. You fail

Josh117 you're a ******* dick. "I'm laughing at your lack if knowledge of the iPhone" who the **** do you think you are? Sorry some of us are just casual users that don't know everything there is to know about our phones. There really is no reason for you to say something so pompous and egotistical. Go hurt yourself because you're a dick FYL for sure. I tried to do the update myself too but I couldn't figure it out so I just took it in to the apple store. They're paid to do that stuff there.

LOL, wow. Clearly, everyone who is insulting the iPhone (which is undoubtedly, the most advanced cell phone on the market today, overrated or not) is just jealous because they can't afford one. Or they're just trying to pick a fight because their mommies and daddies won't let them get anything more advanced than a go phone. Either way, that's pathetic, and apple pwns windows and other cell companies anyway. This is just one of those rare times when something screws up. (And, OP, it is definitely fixable)

star_ver 0

You're sadly mistaken if you think it's the most advanced phone out there.

Agreed, iSheep are so delusional. My android cost more than an iPhone while my iPod lays on a desk collecting dust.

I never understood why the majority of apple fanboys have to be such assholes and try to convince everyone that their product is the best thing in the world. Is that the way the cult works? Do you rationalize paying an amount equal to someone's rent, for a cellphone, by trying to convince everyone else to buy it, so you feel like less of an idiot? Mom, buy me the iphone, everyone else at school has it!!!! Some of you people need to seriously grow the **** up. Its just a cellphone. The fact that it was even admitted as an actual "FML" just goes to show how stupid people are, and how obsessed they are with materialistic bullshit. Apple is and always will be overpriced, and stupid shit like this just shows how steve jobs can ass-rape the people that buy his shit, and get away with it too.

alayna100 0

even my nokia n95 is more expensive than iphone... atleast where i live and if you want overpriced... look at lg prada.. or htc touch diamond... the perfect phones are htc dream and nokia n97

iMyLifeSucks 0

that brick will be even better once you unbrick it and install 3.0. apple has the best customer service. they wouldn't screw you like that