By Arthurie - 24/07/2012 23:44 - United States - Plainview

Today, I was in the hospital. I had recently broken my arm, and had to have it re-broken. I've secretly been a lesbian for years. Guess who came out to her strict Christian parents while on anesthetics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 100
You deserved it 5 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mehwhocares 9

That's a little awkward. Hope it turns out okay.

Samster2000 9


You can always say that that's not true and the anesthetics made you out of it and say silly things.

"Is this real life!?" That damn anesthesia can get you to reveal some Fort Knox secrets, huh? I've also said some private things I wish I didn't, while getting my wisdom teeth pulled. :P

curlyfry33 8

Sense they're heavy duty Christians then they should be shocked at first but forgive you and not be so judgmental about it

Yeah, because christians are so well known for being non-judgemental.

deny that and keep it a secret you where on anesthetics you say all sorts of shit when your on anesthetics. i one time thought i was a pro surfer when i had to get my leg relocated.

You do realize you said "where" instead of "were" in the second sentence, right?

Llamacod 11

second sentence? I read and re-read the comment and I didn't see a "where" or a "were" anywhere in the 2nd sentence.

Llamacod 11

is that anything like "got milk" or on a Pike's Peak t-shirt I say "got oxygen"

this sounds like something good. in my experience the less you lie about who you are, the better off things are in the long run. better your parents know the real you - if all their love is given to someone who isn't real, then you will be bitter and feel cheated, and they will feel lied to and angry be proud of yourself

They should accept you for who you are and if they can't then you don't need them in your life

madgrinchhatter 12

Everyone says crazy things on giggle gas. Play it off like you are just as shocked as they are. "I said WHAT? That's so weird!"

I'm sorry. They should understand, after they are your parents. I hope they understand. Ok I've addressed that issue. Now for the revealing of the arm. I'm sorry about your arm, I thought that when you first break it they have to set the bone.... Maybe they didn't do it right the first time.... I don't know. I hope you get better soon!