By Arthurie - 24/07/2012 23:44 - United States - Plainview

Today, I was in the hospital. I had recently broken my arm, and had to have it re-broken. I've secretly been a lesbian for years. Guess who came out to her strict Christian parents while on anesthetics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 100
You deserved it 5 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mehwhocares 9

That's a little awkward. Hope it turns out okay.

Samster2000 9


MeLikesDigBicks 5

Your parents will always love you and accept you for you. And when did you plan on telling them? It's better now than ten years from now. Good luck ;)

Wtf do you know about op's parents???!!!

You would be surprised. What you just stated isn't always true. Many parents disown their kids for being LGBT.

Llamacod 11

which is why, in the us, 3/4 or more of homeless teens are gay- their parents kick them out

It should never come out like that. Good luck, maybe things happen for a reason, eh?

Epikouros 31

Oh dear, I hope they didn't break your arm a third time. Good luck! Even the strictest parents often get used to it after a while. It's easier to hate homosexuality in theory than to hate your lesbian daughter.

If you told them "under the influence," so to speak, you must have had a least a part of you that wanted to tell them. I can't imagine how hard it would be to have to keep your loved ones a secret from your family. I hope it turns out well. Even though you hear horror stories about people who are disowned by family members based on "religion," it isn't how it turns out the majority of the time. They might not jump up and down about it, but I imagine they still love you and will come to accept it with time. If not, I am so terribly sorry, and they aren't worth it. My bet is that everything will turn out okay in the end, even if it's a bit uncomfortable for a while.

Epikouros 31

Anyway, be glad you didn't have to feel the awkwardness of a coming-out conversation :)

There's plenty of things kids should be scared to talk to their parents about, but their sexuality should never be one of them.

Thank god for creating the minds to create sedatives. That just helped you do something you couldn't do without the help of drugs or alcohol. Think of this as a blessing in disguise.

Well at least you're out and free, and if those damn Christians can't take a break from their screwed up "godly values" then it's their loss

Guess who came out? wait, let me guess let me guess. It was you who came out to your parents? correct? correct? please tell me i am correct. please. oh, i am feeling so nervous right now! Please tell me my guess was correct? Please

sensoon15 7

Are you on drugs? That was a fail of a joke.

Just the re-breaking of your arm was bad. Hope everything works out for you OP.