By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 09:41 - United States

Today, I was in the elevator with my new boss. He asked things like "How are you?" "How's your day going?" and "What's for dinner?" I answered everything and tried to make small talk. I then noticed that he was wearing a bluetooth and was talking to someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 532
You deserved it 7 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LMAO I get it, I hate when that happens. :P

lol that happened to me, so i pretended to be talking on mine.


This gives me a great idea for avoiding those dreaded small-talkers. I'll just ignore them, and if they get offended, I'll say I assumed they were on the phone. :]

I've actually done that! I steadfastly ignored him until he called my name. By then he wasn't up to repeating everything he'd said (I hadn't heard because "I didn't want to eavesdrop"). I usually leave my ear buds in and ignore small talkers even when I have no music playing but this chap happened to catch me unarmed.

Vernon247 0

Happens to me sometimes. I work at a call center


I'm sorry, my dad has one if those stupid things and makes fun of me when I don't know that's he's on the phone.

I hate Bluetooth headsets. I work as a cashier, and I can never tell when someone is talking me or to whoever they are on the phone with. >:C

CoachLlama 5

I love this. I bet this scene plays out many times daily around the world. Sometimes people walking down the street look crazy, like they're talking to themselves, until you realize they have one of those around the ear units. By the way, what's for dinner?

Roxven 4

Of course he's talking to someone else,Nobody likes you.