By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 09:41 - United States

Today, I was in the elevator with my new boss. He asked things like "How are you?" "How's your day going?" and "What's for dinner?" I answered everything and tried to make small talk. I then noticed that he was wearing a bluetooth and was talking to someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 530
You deserved it 7 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LMAO I get it, I hate when that happens. :P

lol that happened to me, so i pretended to be talking on mine.


You can't wear a "BluTooth". It's called a cellphone headset.

OP is just shortening it, the same way you shortened "cellular" to "cell." Don't be a jackass.

colby281 0

LMFAO!!! #22 ur a funny person haha

actually it is a wireless hands free earpiece and their not cell/cellular phones they are mobile handsets ... you know if you want to be technical

Their=they're before anyone else points out my grammatical error ;-)

zp5 4

this happens to everyone at least once in their life. no big deal.

lol that happened to me, so i pretended to be talking on mine.

lol I will try that too, next time if it happens to me again...

Xavi89 0

hahah. that's funny. I get crazy looks when I'm in my car talking. on my bluetooth

hcovballer247 0

omg I hate bluetooth. you can never tell whether someone is talking to you or not

If you and your boss were like me and my friends you would be shouting stuff like "Mike, where's the $^$#ing gun" and "Get off that thing and come back to bed" into the bluetooth :) .