By readytograduate - 06/05/2016 15:22 - United States - Rockwood

Today, my class had a paint war to celebrate our upcoming graduation. I had a severe allergic reaction to the paint and now I'm covered in giant red splotches everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 473
You deserved it 1 679

readytograduate tells us more.

For those who were wondering, I had no idea I was allergic to the paint beforehand, but with four layers of foundation the red splotches on my face were almost completely gone. I wasn't able to completely hide the ones on my arms so I wore a sweater with my dress. And thank you for all of the congratulations! Only a couple days left!

Top comments

At least you made paint war instead of paint love. Just think of the red splotches you'd have then.

They probably didn't realize that they would be allergic to the paint to begin with. No one usually goes around testing themselves for paint allergies.


I hope the allergic reaction wasn't too paintful...

Wow what a fantastic way to make OP feel better. God forbid you need to comfort somebody or make them feel better.

At least you made paint war instead of paint love. Just think of the red splotches you'd have then.

Well, that paints a sad picture. For real though, congrats on graduating OP! Hope you feel better.

Just think how those red splotches will be a great accessory for prom! I think?

I'm curious how you got involved if you knew you were allergic? (All of the next questions are based off assumptions that I got from the FML) Because if most of the class knew, then why didn't you? And if it was a surprise sprung on you by the teachers, why didn't they check allergies, and discover yours? If it was a surprise for everyone, or only a few were in on it, did you try to get out of the way at least? (I assume you would have, in which case the bright side is you have less than what you would've had if you had just stood there and took it instead.)

They probably didn't realize that they would be allergic to the paint to begin with. No one usually goes around testing themselves for paint allergies.

Makeup works wonders, if you're worried about having those splotches at graduation.

I think the splotches may be paint...

For those who were wondering, I had no idea I was allergic to the paint beforehand, but with four layers of foundation the red splotches on my face were almost completely gone. I wasn't able to completely hide the ones on my arms so I wore a sweater with my dress. And thank you for all of the congratulations! Only a couple days left!

In my explanation I said I had to wear a sweater with my dress: I forgot to add that baccalaureate was that night.

I'm sorry you had a allergic reaction to the paint but I hope your graduation is wonderful for you and the red splotches don't bother you too much until they go away. I'm allergic to silver and my skin turns bright red and irritated if I touch it, but I usually use Benadryl like some of the others suggested to keep it from being too bad. If that works then you'll be in less pain hopefully.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

For future reference, Kat Von D has a foundation/concealer that can be used to cover tattoos without having to pile it on.