By Doomy - 07/01/2010 14:43 - United States

Today, I was going to the bathroom. As I was about to wipe, I noticed that the toilet paper had butterflies printed on it. Never before had I felt bad for wiping my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 283
You deserved it 29 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inconvienentgurl 0

Why would you feel bad about wiping if there are butterflies PRINTED on the paper??


spitfire835 0

what a pussy! I wipe my ass with real butterflies!

I agree with adding a "So ******* what" button :/ Let me direct you to MLIA, you'll feel accepted there...

Am4eyo 0

how the **** is that a fml, bfd, stfu u pansey n00b

Uh you are aware that they're not real butterflies right???