By Anonymous - 18/09/2010 14:41 - United Kingdom

Today, I was getting picked up by my dad after I had been swimming. I saw his car, so I walked over to it, got in and started talking about how I'd seen my brother. It wasn't until after I had put my seat belt on that I realized I was talking to a complete stranger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 419
You deserved it 29 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't you always look through the windshield or the window to see if it's your parents' car, or is that just me?


He Shouldve Pretend'D To Kidnap U. Drive U Around For An Hr Or Two. Dat'll Teach Ya..

TheBeanieChic 1

And he kept on driving? Pedo Bear much?

KarateDom327 0

Something like this happened to my brother. The only difference is that he screamed (he has a girly scream) and my mom and sister were laughing at him. Anyway it happens.

Same thing happened to me at the petrol station :L my brother went to get petrol and I had to use the bathroom and he got out before me and moved the car and another car exactly like his pulled up and I opened the door and saw it wasnt her and very hurriedly closed the door. My brother and sister couldnt stop laughing it was so embarrasing... :P Both cars had tinted windows too...

You could have easily been kidnapped o.O Something like that happened to me - I assumed my mom hadn't left me when I was about 10 at Walmart, and I almost grabbed some random woman's hand haha

8313girl 28

Yeah I've done that before but not as bad as OP. I had been on a ferry. I walked up to a truck and opened the door and realized there was a man behind the wheel. He goes, Are you getting in? Of course I say NO! His truck was the same make and model as the truck of my friend laughing behind him.

Always check the license plate, OP! I don't have my friends' and family's license plate #'s memorized, but I know enough of the letters included to where if I see a similar make and model, my eyes immediately avert to the license plate to determine if it's them or not. :)