By Lexiebear27 - 19/09/2011 15:56 - United States

Today, I was fired for being a very happy and perky employee. According to my boss, it freaks both the customers and my co-workers out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 007
You deserved it 6 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

qhostred 0

Unless you work at a funeral home, I really don't see anything wrong with being happy

Well if they didn't appreciate you the way you were, then **** em.


chokolatecandie1 6

So being happy at work is now a punishable offense? You should have looked at your boss and thank him for removing you from a whiole bunch of miserable pricks, him being the biggest one.

picklemonger 13

I have the opposite problem. My coworkers call me Eeyore.

apndi 9

Everyone calls me Eeyore too! I think that's better than being overly happy and's kinda creepy.

WadeWilson_fml 6

He/she deserved it for being happy? What the **** is it with you people lol

Yea it's like having to much school spirit or any school spirit at all

If you can't be happy with people, try to be sad and see what they think ^^

nessaface25 14

you would be perfect for my job. you literally get fired if you don't smile the entire time while ringing up customers -_-

Bbhd05 0

They were teaching OP a lesson. Work isn't supposed to make you smile.