By Clumsy - 25/04/2009 09:09 - United States

Today, I was doing a fitness test. Though clumsy, I managed to spin around a bat then dash across a balance beam, run through some tires, and walk across a log floating in water. Pleased with my performance, I walked to the bathroom, tripped on my shoelace, and bust my head on the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 548
You deserved it 5 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MukyDaCookie 0

#10 it was the irony of it. A regularly clumsy person makes it through an obstacle course only to fall over his/her own showlace and injure themselves.

grazynaanka 0

lol what the hell kind of fitness test is that?


this sounds fake. No school with a legit physical education program would have a fitness test like this. A log floating on water? Give me a break.

Socrates_fml 0

i just want to let you know that i accidentally clicked FYL. therefore, i'm an idiot too, and we should start a club

#26, what you said makes no sense....

#32, took the words right out of my mouth. Or keyboard.

Oh, irony, thou art a heartless bitch. #15: Check your profile. If it says "0 approved out of 1 posted", your FML has been rejected. #27: "OP" has been around since the dawn of Internet time, and FYL and YDI are fairly obvious ones to have come from this site. Also, please note: All acronyms are abbreviations/initialisms, but all abbreviations/initialisms are not acronyms.

That's an obstacle course and "busted" your head? You wouldn't be on Fmylife if you busted your head. and HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! You suck!

how is that a fitness test? That sounds more like a "Hey we're at a picnic, go spin around that bat ten times and see how much dumb shit you can do while your still dizzy!"

GloomySkyz 0

All you shitheads saying that "boohoo you fell", He BUSTED his head, Not just a little bruise.