By apparentlyugly - 29/08/2010 17:51 - United States

Today, I was chosen out of 64 women to model for the catalog of a new clothing store. Just when my self-confidence took a dramatic boost, I looked at the evaluation sheet. I was picked due to attributes such as my "extra large figure and average face" to make below average women feel beautiful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 494
You deserved it 4 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sometimes makes me sad that anything above a size 6 is considered "plus size" in the modeling world. And I highly doubt that you're ugly, OP (as your name suggests). The modeling world (and society) can really be very cruel. So sorry! :(

Beats being picked cause of anorexic figure


If you have a problem with being average looking, then I think you need to re evaluate what's important to you in life.

furubafan74 18

That's probably compared to professional models, OP.

no matter what I guarantee you look better than the models with the gap between their teeth