Second class citizen

By Anonymous - 14/09/2020 13:01 - United Kingdom - Stoke-on-trent

Today, I got told I am not a good fit for a company because I'm disabled. But that's OK, I can volunteer for the same role, as I don't really need to work anyway, because I'm disabled apparently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 632
You deserved it 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that's called discrimination based on disability find out in your area who you report that shit to and you could even get a lawyer as well

OP is UK based. It is very very very illegal here. You can definitely seek legal action.


And that's called discrimination based on disability find out in your area who you report that shit to and you could even get a lawyer as well

If you're in the states that's illegal. Report them abd file a grievance with the EEOC. Speak with an employment attorney who takes cases on a contingency basis.

OP is UK based. It is very very very illegal here. You can definitely seek legal action.

I'm pretty sure that kind of discrimination is against the law.

ADA Americans with disabilities act. sounds like you have a good lawsuit

Things that I probably should've said to a few managers myself: "Let me explain to you how this thing we call *capitalism* works. I sell my labor to you. Just like you sell a product. You don't give away products for free, right? Yeah, me either. Are you communist or something?"