By foreveralonecatlady - 28/12/2011 06:23 - United States

Today, I was bombarded with pictures of my little sister's Christmas present. It was a huge engagement ring. I got broken up with in public on Christmas eve. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 168
You deserved it 2 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chaos187 6

OPs sister got an engagement ring worth a lot of money (probably). OP got broken up with. And to make it even better, (sarcasm) OP got a shit load of her sisters engagement ring pictures.

I'm sorry, am I the only one that does not get this?


Dodge4x4Ram 46

Maybe in couple of years it could be you.

Jokes on her; she just got one gift (I know it's an engagement ring.) for two occasions.

bfrench95 0

Who's wants to get married anyways when you have cats, Amiright?

15 They didn't say that was her only present

ikickgingers 15

It's not her fault ... Inconsiderate prick. Stop raining on her happiness because nobody wants you. Dick.

ikickgingers 15
flockz 19

gingers? moderated? i'm sad i missed what you said.

I'm sorry, am I the only one that does not get this?

Chaos187 6

OPs sister got an engagement ring worth a lot of money (probably). OP got broken up with. And to make it even better, (sarcasm) OP got a shit load of her sisters engagement ring pictures.

Nvm, I just got it. OP's sister is happy because she got engaged, and OP just lost her boyfriend. Combine that with a self centered OP and lucky moderation and you got an FML. I missed the Christmas EVE part the first time through

eltapatio16 5

thank you chaos that FML was real confusing

Hmm.. Christmas eh? Perhaps your fiancé realized you only got your cats stuff! Or that you prefer to spend a night with them over him? :3 Or maybe you just shouldn't have woken up crying, dreaming about your marriage.

Thank god someone cleared this up. I was thinking that OP's boyfriend proposed to OP's sister or something.

1221jamw 11

12 Ohh. He made it sound like his sister was four and-nevermind. But thanks.

For those that didn't understand my previous comment. Look at OP's name, and look the the FML previous to this one, then read my comment again.

ElectricGhost_fml 5

you should have been happy for her! if my sister got engaged and I was feeling down from a break up I would have been ecstatic!

cooLING 0

From what world do you come from? From a girl's perspective, that sister is being a bitch.

Hearing about it might have let her be happy for her sister(though probably still sad), but OP received a bunch of pictures of the ring right after a breakup. I also would like to point out that the OP said a public breakup, which sounds like her family knew and sent the pictures anyway. OP is probably happy for her sister, but that is kind of rude on her family's part.

Sorry about what happened to you, but it doesn't mean you can't still be happy for your sister.

Airman1988 9
btnhdude 0

Did you get that from Final Destination?