By lockedoutbabysitter - 09/03/2010 17:19 - United States

Today, I was babysitting. Being kind, I went to grab their mail, while their 4 year old ate lunch. He locked me out, wrecked the house, and let me in right when he saw their car two hours later. I didn't get paid. I paid them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 979
You deserved it 9 581

Same thing different taste


MizzHollywood 0

really you shouldn't leave a kid alone. obviously you aren't a good babysitter, though i don't think you should have paid them. you should have either brought him with you or not gotten the mail.

YDI for 'trying to be nice and getting the mail for somebody else'. you're paid to look after the child, not leave the child to get a bunch of envelopes.

You can't leave a 4-year-old alone, period. If he's in the house, you're in the house, preferably the same room nearly all the time. If he's in the yard, you're in the yard. Your mistake.

YDI!!!!!! ydi for being retarded. who leaves a kid unattended! thats what u r being payed for, watching the damn kid

that is retarted I would punch them it the face

that is retarted I would punch them in the face and shit on the kid

quarterback7 0

didnt they hire u to babysit? not get the mail. and your not suppose to open anyone elses mailbox its illegal! ur stupid you deserved it