You what now?

By Anonymous - 13/08/2023 17:02 - United States

Today, my rowing coach asked my teammates and me a question that I couldn’t quite hear. The answer should’ve been, “We rowed in pairs today” and I responded, “Only in Central Park.” The question was, “How did you row today?” not, “Have you rowed?” There was a long moment of silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 434
You deserved it 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so? literally who cares. voted YDI because this was hard to read

Was there too much commotion or were you simply not paying attenion? The way to avoid similarly awkward situations is simply to ask them to repeat themselves. I've done the same thing, for both reasons, so you're not alone. I often daydream, so if I realize that I've been asked a question, I generally ask the person to repeat their question. Also, don't give answers to questions you can't quite hear or were not present enough to acknowledge.


Was there too much commotion or were you simply not paying attenion? The way to avoid similarly awkward situations is simply to ask them to repeat themselves. I've done the same thing, for both reasons, so you're not alone. I often daydream, so if I realize that I've been asked a question, I generally ask the person to repeat their question. Also, don't give answers to questions you can't quite hear or were not present enough to acknowledge.

so? literally who cares. voted YDI because this was hard to read