By pixelbaker - 29/07/2009 16:34 - United States

Today, I was at work doing phone computer support helping a woman with her computer. I asked her to close all her open windows. She deleted all the important company documents in the open folder instead. I got fired because "close windows" and "delete" have become "too technical" for users. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 859
You deserved it 2 737

pixelbaker tells us more.

The "documents" were basically just data sets pulled from a database stored on a workstation in the office. This workstation is not backed up. Yes, the company is full of morons. No, I'm not fighting it because this was the last straw of many last straws. I don't want to work for these idiots any more.

Top comments

FYL, a person that doesn't know the difference between 'close' and 'delete' shouldn't be allowed near a computer.

While reading this FML I thought it would end with the woman closing her windows (as in the glassy things you can look through), but this is even worse. What an incredibly stupid human being.


dumb people should not have computers period.

YDI. You know almost all women are stupid as shit when it comes to this, no matter how hard they try to defend themselves.

bunnywuffles 0

Here we go with the outpouring of misogynistic bullshit from all the redneck twats of america.

lol, you said twat. I never hear that term being used much. *thumbs u*

And this is why I hate no faith in humanity... #27, I hope you get run over by a bus.

bitches aint SHIT, with a soda on the side.

Zakky_Ketchup 0

You obviously haven't seen what women are doing with soda bottles on the internet nowadays ;D It sure as hell ain't on the side.

loooooooooool_fml 1

I'm guessing that they were waiting for a chance to lay you off :/ If it weren't like that, I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't have fired you...unless the company IS that stupid.

Uhg, it's dumb-asses like her that make computer support people so damn grumpy!!!

bee13 0
bunnywuffles 0

That's retarded. I mean really, it's the computer age now. If you don't know how to close a ******* window, you need to get back to the 1800s.

Satoyuki 0

I hope that woman doesn't have children. People like that shouldn't reproduce.

eli_guerra 0

Lol "technology impaired. Reminds me of Amish Paradise. OP, that lady is the definition of stupidity. I bet you were fired because she screwed your boss. Obviously she does not know shit! Was she hot?