By Anonymous - 19/07/2014 17:39 - United States - Cape Coral

Today, I was at the local grocery store. I've had really bad gas lately, and I accidentally let one go while standing in line. The woman behind me thought it was her kid, and smacked him for farting in public. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 561
You deserved it 41 806

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's kinda funny. You should have said it was you though, then slapped the lady for slapping her kid.


Lil_Red777 21

What is up with all these parents just smacking their kids for the dumbest things???!!

I think everyone secretly hopes that their fart will get blamed on someone else.

Everything went better than expected.

_spacekid 11

Poor kid, but don't worry OP you couldn't control it..

I guess that his life sucks, not yours..

Well hey at least she didn't smack you for farting in public.

mimi809o 21

Oh OP, the things one small fart can do...

Who the f*ck smacks a kid for normal bodily function!? What a bitch!

FYL for the uncontrollable gas but youre a massive douche if you didn't speak up