Sounds like a promoted post

By Anonymous - 09/01/2023 03:00

Today, while I was playing Walkabout Mini Golf on my Meta Quest headset, my battery ran low. I plugged it in the slot, only to learn a valuable lesson about three hours later: The headset doesn't charge if you leave it on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 245
You deserved it 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You gave your money to Mark Zuckerberg and hoped it wouldn't be a shitshow? He's just as much an asshole in the metaverse as he is in the universe.


YDI yourself for owning a MQ headset, let alone for being on for over 3 hours. the mind control program is complete with you. go outside and touch some grass

You gave your money to Mark Zuckerberg and hoped it wouldn't be a shitshow? He's just as much an asshole in the metaverse as he is in the universe.

It totally should be able to charge while on. Just buy a external battery if your having trouble keeping it charged.