By fuckoffandfuckoffagainyoucunt - 17/08/2012 16:27 - United Kingdom - Sittingbourne

Today, I was at the gym, when a pretty overweight guy started staring and eventually taunting me. Let me tell you, lines such as "Lay off the cake, fatty!" and "I can see your gut hanging out your ass, for fuck's sake!" don't exactly boost one's self-confidence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 597
You deserved it 2 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you said to him exactly what you put as your username.


Bullies are ugly people inside and out. There is no reason to put up with that at the gym. Have the balls to report him to management and let them deal with him.

Sanch101 7

You should have reported him to the staff. He had no right to act in that manner.

He was probably trying to make himself feel better about his own appearance. The hypocrisy is real. Don't worry, ignore people like that. He's nothing but a bully.

Did it not make you want to work out more though?!

U gunna take it as a wake up call or u gunna be ignorant?

FireFlie07 20

Most fitness centers don't put up with that type of behavior. I would report it and/or find a new gym. You don't have to put up with that on your way to get healthy.

That's awful, I'm sorry! Don't let that jerk discourage you :-)

Some people are so rude. Don't listen to him, at least you're taking the first step to a healthier lifestyle. That's more then what most people can say, including myself. So good job, keep up the hard work!

((hugs)) That level of cruelty is awful. Sorry you had to hear such things. Realize he had issues of his own and that his behavior had to do with his flaws, not you.

Jut keep on working out, Op. I think the fat guy saw that you were struggling to work out so he tried to give you some motivation.