By fuckoffandfuckoffagainyoucunt - 17/08/2012 16:27 - United Kingdom - Sittingbourne

Today, I was at the gym, when a pretty overweight guy started staring and eventually taunting me. Let me tell you, lines such as "Lay off the cake, fatty!" and "I can see your gut hanging out your ass, for fuck's sake!" don't exactly boost one's self-confidence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 597
You deserved it 2 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you said to him exactly what you put as your username.


I don't understand why he would taunt you when you were clearly already trying to fix the flaw he was so cruelly ridiculing. It's ok, though. If that's how he treats other people, it's probably because he has a low self esteem and needs to do that to feel better about himself. In other words, he hates himself...and he should.

He was just trying to keep the OP motivated, Drill Sargent style. It might have worked for him. Who knows maybe that guy was even heavier before someone else yelled those same things to him?

I was thinking something along those lines, like the bully may have been looking for someone to tell him off to get him motivated. He may have chosen OP for any number of reasons.

Omfg what an insensitive prick! You're at the gym obviously trying to change your weight! Tell him to go **** himself jfc.

At least your working out and will live longer keep it up

Well if he's overweight he should shut his mouth! -.- Probably just needed somebody to pick on to get more selfesteem himself. Ignore that loser, you're amazing, keep it up!

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...

Punch him in the face. It's the last thing he'd expect, and since everyone probably heard him, no one will ask questions

find our balls and tell him to go to the corner and play with his *******, then call him a little shit!