By fuckoffandfuckoffagainyoucunt - 17/08/2012 16:27 - United Kingdom - Sittingbourne

Today, I was at the gym, when a pretty overweight guy started staring and eventually taunting me. Let me tell you, lines such as "Lay off the cake, fatty!" and "I can see your gut hanging out your ass, for fuck's sake!" don't exactly boost one's self-confidence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 597
You deserved it 2 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you said to him exactly what you put as your username.


You should've found who runs the gym and complained. Some guy was giving a girl shit at the 24 I go to. Night guy on duty kicked him out when I got him to come intervene.

He wasn't talking to you, but to himself. Some people do that, see themselves in everything they look at.

Harlequin073 6

Screw that queen. Let him cry himself to sleep about it you are awesome and you keep going to that gym and bettering yourself

jennagrace1227 0

Are you sure he was speaking to you and not himself? I use to keep saying things like that aloud to motivate me, till I lost 60 lbs.

allison70471 1

Just ignore him. He is only doing it to make himself feel better.

Just report him to the staff and brush it off.

Tell him that at least you can find your dick and its bigger than his and he would be able to find his if he hopped on the treadmill once in a while and got a magnifying glass and some tweezers.

Report him to the manager. Most gyms have policies on that, and he could get kicked out and have his membership revoked.