By Anonymous - 02/02/2016 10:17 - Canada - Cambridge

Today, I was at the gym. I'm 360 lbs and have finally decided it's time to change that. Some girl and her two bitch friends thought it'd be fun to follow me and belittle me at everything I did. When I mentioned it to the staff, they said that they were just "encouraging" me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 150
You deserved it 2 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They have problems that hitting the gym won't fix. Hang in there, OP.


Don't worry about them. Keep doing your stuff and it will pay off, I promise :) ! I use to hate to go to the gym because I was too out of shape and I felt like people would judge me, but guess what? Those who actually train hard won't notice you because they are too focus on their own training. Those who have the time to make fun of you aren't working hard anough and you will soon be better than them :) !

this pisses me the **** off. what's wrong with people? why can't they just live their lives. OP don't be discouraged. those women clearly have internal issues

Great for you heading to gym and working on being healthy! You can lose weight but nothing can fix the ugly those girls got going on inside themselves!!!!! Don't let them bother you at all! It took a lot of guts to go in there and it's not easy but you got this!!!!!

Pretty sure there's a harassment lawsuit in there somewhere. As well as complaining to that particular Gym for allowing the bullshit. Most people only understand money. Make it hurt.

AScooterman 12

Way to go buddy you get going to the gym and leave the mindless soulless hand-me-downs to their pathetic lives. It's all about you making yourself better and let me tell you there is no gym in the world for the problems that those bitches got.

aricababyy 22

that's why I do beachbody workouts. don't have to worry about the people making fun of you and watching you.

That sucks OP, but don't let them get to you! They're terrible people, both at the gym and outside of it, I'm sure, and whatever they think of you doesn't matter. I think it's awesome that you're trying to get healthy!! Best of luck! And if that's how the gym staff handles nasty members, maybe try a different gym.

Wow, how disgusting of them! I'm sorry, OP, no one deserves that. Don't give up. You'll find a comfortable place to work out.

That's complete bullshit!! I CAN NOT stand people like that.. Everyone needs to start somewhere .. If anyone ever makes you feel like that again remember the gym can't fix ugly.. Forget them