By Gjkashldf - 04/05/2009 00:36 - United States

Today, I was at the gym and I saw a really cute guy working out nearby. I tried to get his attention by taking off my shirt and smiling at him. When he walked over to me, instead of asking for my number, he just said "Can you please put that back on? Thanks". FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 984
You deserved it 57 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's true, trying to impress anyone is an instant YDI. However, he had no right to tell you to put your shirt back on. It's your shirt, I'm assuming you are either male or had a sports bra on underneath and were not breaking and public indecency rules, so he was entirely out of line. Next time, tell him no.

Maybe he was married and didn't want you to tempt him.


crystalballzzz 0

rude on his part, but smutty for you. most guys with a good brain (most likely like the one you just lost out on) dont like when girls "flirt" how you did. better luck next time, YDI

fmlfmlfml15 0

Im really hoping you're a girl, because maybe that's why he tikd you to put your shirt back on. and if not, then he's obviously a well respected person, not taken by bimbo-headed ***** like you. and yes i just used the word bimbo.

#34 apparently has never had someone try to impress them either, nor knows how real life works. Getting flirted with is not necessarily flattery, nor is it appreciated. Any WOMAN will tell you that, and yet here you are, an uptight cockslap calling the guy out on being an asshole, not just because he shot her down by asking her to put her shirt back on, but simply by not being receptive to her attempt to turn him on. Consider how badly a man would face backlash if the roles were reversed and he took off his shirt and started flexing in front of a girl. Regardless of the gym setting he'd look like a pompous jock douchebag, and no one would find fault with the girl rolling her eyes and telling him to **** off.

wow_fmylife 0

YDI for being conceited because for you to be able to take off your shirt so that you can "impress" somebody, you would have to think VERY highly of yourself...especially if its some stranger, just my take on it.

fmah_life 0

If I were a girl at the gym trying to impress a guy, I'd be subtle about it and do squats in his line of vision. I wouldn't take off my damn shirt!

tennisgirly 0

why are people always trying to impress each other with their bodies? what about just saying something smart for once?