By Gjkashldf - 04/05/2009 00:36 - United States

Today, I was at the gym and I saw a really cute guy working out nearby. I tried to get his attention by taking off my shirt and smiling at him. When he walked over to me, instead of asking for my number, he just said "Can you please put that back on? Thanks". FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 984
You deserved it 57 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's true, trying to impress anyone is an instant YDI. However, he had no right to tell you to put your shirt back on. It's your shirt, I'm assuming you are either male or had a sports bra on underneath and were not breaking and public indecency rules, so he was entirely out of line. Next time, tell him no.

Maybe he was married and didn't want you to tempt him.


sjam 0

Maybe there was a dress code, in which case you should keep your damn shirt on and work out like you're supposed to. It's not impressive when you're too dumb to focus and follow the rules.

#36, EXACTLY. What kind of person takes off their shirt to get someone's attention? Desperate, much? Anyway, no offense but if you were working out you probably looked gross all sweaty and red-faced. That's what happens to most people when they're working out, even if they are good looking. If you really want to get a guy's attention by being half naked, go to the pool or something.

I love how most girls are telling the OP "tell him to go **** himself" How about not being a ******* *****? That might work. Stop flattering yourself, not every guy wants to see your ****.

deaditegirl 0

Any FML that involves "tried to get his/her attention" or "tried to impress him/her" is an automatic YDI.

Socrates_fml 0

are you a guy or a girl? your writing doesn't imply one way or the other and the story works for both. why are you taking your shirt off in the gym if you're a girl? i guess you could have a sports bra, but then you're just dumb because you should make him work for it.

thinkpink 0

To everyone that is saying "YDI for trying to impress him! OMG Like every other girl who posts on here!" Lay off. Yes, I get sick of hearing these stories about people trying to impress someone and horribly screwing up. Really sick. But the YDI doesn't rest in the "trying to impress" part. We have ALL tried to impress someone we like or find attractive at least ONCE in our lives. Duh. Just because when you impressed someone and it didn't fail doesn't mean you're any different from all the people who post on here and had an FML situation. I always hit YDI on these though just because I get sick of seeing the same damn thing.

says the chick whose profile picture is a two piece cheerleaders outfit. irony, anyone?

SP63_fml 0

Look, I'm gonna have to be personally honest here, that was your fault. Keep in mind that I personally love to go to the gym. I have been married for 15 years. So, if a woman begins to make it clear that she is interested, I will be quite clear that I am taken. You should have struck up conversation with him, like any normal relationship. It was kind of rude for him to say that kind of stuff, but keep in mind he was most likely very busy working out, and most likely an asshole. In the future, keep in mind that any worthwhile man will NOT ask you out simply because you show some skin

How is that being "personally honest" #51? Are you retarded as well as judgmental? Doesn't really matter if you're married or not. If someone takes their top off in a gym(presuming the OP didn't actually have her **** completely showing) there's no reason to presume it's just because of you, even if they're smiling at you. People show skin at the gym.

When I am at the gym... I am there to work out and check out pretty girls... if there is an ugly girl taking her short off trying to flirt with me,..thats wierd