By Anonymous - 26/02/2014 03:50 - United States - La Grange

Today, I wanted to pretend to have a seizure so my baby sister could know when to call 911. When I fell down and started to pretend, she decided to drink my soda instead of helping me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 557
You deserved it 16 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh man that would be sodapressing. I'm sorry

CloudStrife97 9

Life lesson, don't have a seizure when she's the only one with you


monkiki62 5

Poor op, there is nothing wrong with going over a safety plan especially when alot of people dont know what to do when someone has a seizure. Obviously op has seizures regularly.

The boy who cried wolf ring any bells? Oh, and maybe you can't act.

sailorzoe 14

I'm epileptic. You are an ass. Keep pretending to have seizures and the day that you really do have one nobody will help you because you're an asshole.

Honestly, if you dont know anyone who has the potiential to have seizures dont comment. You all think its a big ******* joke.

bobsanction 18

Guess you can strike off actor on your career path.

It seems like a lot of people don't understand the fml. I don't think OP's intentions were for her sister to actually call 911. I'm guessing OP is someone who has a history of seizures and wanted her sister to know what one looked like in case OP actually had a seizure and would need someone to call 911. If someone close to me had a history of seizures I'd want to know what it was like so I'd know when to call for help. "Crying wolf" is irrelevant.

She is smarter than you think and it seems smarter than you. She knew you were faking it and saw the perfect opportunity to ambush your soda. She is going to be a superstar when she grows up.

wtf? I swear people get stupider day by day. if she called the cops r gonna come to ur house and u could possibly get fined. I would hope u would stop her before she called.

Clarify the correct order for her: first call 911, then she can have your soda.

SirGmoney 9

This FML wouldve been very funny of she said its for the vine