By tishihish - 12/12/2011 05:15 - United States

Today, I walked into the Macy's bathroom to find Santa taking a dump with the door open. Merry Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 928
You deserved it 2 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments


DaMan25 4

Hahahaha that made my boring ass night

Hungry_Panda 3

He probably got the urge to take a shit after a little girl shit on his lap. You never know...

nice references to the FML posted earlier! :)

MissTimeLord 3

Well you know what they say...everybody poops

Autumnie 0

Why the hell are you upset about this? It's a guy using the bathroom. I would understand if you're a five-year-old, but seriously?

looks like he had some gifts to send down the chimney..... disturbing

bladerox4 0

Well he try's to watch everyone. Or the other way around

mommykrissy_05 7

Wheres a camera when you need one! Perfect holiday card! lol

sniperkit 10

Today, my brother sent me a holiday card with a picture of a fake Santa taking a dump on it. Now my five year old won't stop crying because he realized that Santa isn't real. FML

Santa is magical, but not so magical that he never craps!

Akalia_fml 7