By xxSecretAngelxx - 19/08/2013 18:35 - United States - Fayetteville
xxSecretAngelxx tells us more.
Hi everyone! I'm the OP and for those who were wondering I am in college which makes this story the more embarrassing! It was my first presentation this semester. It was a group presentation so I was already standing in front of the class with the rest of my group waiting for my turn to speak. Someone commented how come nobody told me when I walked in the class, when I walked in my jacket was zipped up, I started playing with my zipper when I was up in front of the class because it is a nervous tick I have, I do it without even noticing it. Kinda like how some girls twirl their hair or bite their nails. Of course either one of those would have been less embarrassing on that particular day!
Top comments
Plot twist: Still funnier than your desperate for attention reply.
STILL a better love story than Twilight.
It's not a love story. It's a comment about how everyone saw her bra
67- That's exactly how much better it is than Twilight. The FML isn't even a love story, yet it still has more substance than Meyer ever could fit into four books. Hence the joke. I am, however, starting to fatigue of that joke, anyway.
Relevancy makes jokes funny.
Stephanie is a nice lady; leave her alone!
On the bright side, they thought she was doing it on purpose.
At least you had a bra on under the jacket! Would have made for an even more interesting class without it!
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayPics or it didn't happen.
#90 Pretty ******* creative comment you have there.
Is that why yours is buried???
at least you can rest assured you have their full attention
Is there a footage of this anywhere? I just want to make sure OP isn't exaggerating...
We have to conduct tests! For science!
Or human anatomy...
She already had their curiosity. This earned her their attention.
You must be an Imgurian
Was anyone sitting awkwardly after your show, OP?
Maybe college isn't her thing
I'm sure they enjoyed that
I know I would've
FML we need to upload pictures for reasons like this, girls thumbs down vs guys thumbs up
*stares awkwardly at the thumbs buttons* I dunno which one to press.
if they didnt look away in disgust then I guess it's nice that you at least have a nice chest? My strange way of "take it as a compliment"
What would have to be wrong with someone's boobies to make people look away in disgust?? :/ Boobs are boobs surely?
Clearly you've never seen "There's Something About Mary."
You gotta love the ones that could use a pair of tube socks as a bra!!!
I have seen plenty of breasts that I asked people to put away. Boobs are boobs, yeah. But I don't want to look at the ugly ones.
^ Self-important wannabe alpha male dumbass.
#61: Are you sure you've actually done that and you are not trying to sound "cool"? You don't sound like someone with the capability to get a girl to show you her breasts.
#116 that was RIDICULOUSLY creepy! But it was so funny!!! I don't know why you got downvoted.
Pics or... It didn't... Happen? Oh God, it was difficult to say that...
Pics or it didn't happen

I'm sure they were eagerly anticipating your solo!
At least you had a bra on under the jacket! Would have made for an even more interesting class without it!