By fmlguy - 10/12/2010 03:19

Today, I've been considering breaking up with my girlfriend so I don't have to buy her a Christmas present. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 258
You deserved it 86 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does she have expensive tastes? Or are you seriously that indecent?


Your an ass..... even something small and cheap is all you have to do. as long as it's something she's going to like, that's all that matters.

MEM0817 18

Wow! She's a lucky lady! This is more of a FML story for her, not you.

You're an ass and I hope she dumps you first

steroid2310 0

um...who the **** voted this in? i sure didn't... this is ******* inane. i come on here to read funny shit, not "i thought about doing something, so fml." dammit, be creative. |the kid|

wow.I was thinking of doing the same

A lot of these people are being hard on the OP, but I'm with you. I always thought this thought has crossed a lot of guys' minds.

Timicro 3

it crossed my mind. once. not of actually doing it but just thinkin bout it. but then i realized im happy and glad to be with person im with.

just tell her you cant, & if she takes it the wrong way its not your fault.