By fmlguy - 10/12/2010 03:19

Today, I've been considering breaking up with my girlfriend so I don't have to buy her a Christmas present. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 258
You deserved it 86 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does she have expensive tastes? Or are you seriously that indecent?


do it then. let her find someone who isn't an asshole.

wow you are a cheapo!!! what a loser!!

Maybe OP's broke, but I'm surprised no one has mentioned the second possibility: that his girlfriend is a pain in the ass about gifts. Some girls* are really ridiculous; they expect something amazing, but consider it "cheating" to give any idea of what they'd like, or what they'd consider to be a good gift. That kind of pressure makes gift-giving a chore and leads to almost inevitable disappointment, even if she doesn't expect something expensive.  *Yes, I know it's possible for a guy to be this way, but IME at least, it's a particularly female phenomenon.       

waiting to see the "today, my boyfriend broke up with me so he wouldn't have to buy me a christmas present. FML"

either she's a bitch or your a dick...

Abbyblack_fml 0

Uh wow...remember this when you are wondering why you are single

Um. Wow. You might as well because you obviously don't have real feelings for her.