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By Anonymous - 12/10/2023 05:00 - United States - Phoenix

Today, while at a family dinner, my boyfriend's family explained how he needs to learn family recipes to pass down to his future children. He responded, "Why would I ever start a family? I hate kids." I'm currently seven weeks pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 707
You deserved it 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There is no way this could end in anything but tragedy. Either you had a spectacularly mismatched idea of how he'd react to an accident (or worse, an intentional "surprise"), or he agreed to have kids figuring you would do 100% of the labor and didn't tell you he hated them. I'm just sorry for the kid.

At least you live close to a state where you can get an abortion. And you live in a time when women don't have mandatory pregnancy tests at state borders. Yet.


There is no way this could end in anything but tragedy. Either you had a spectacularly mismatched idea of how he'd react to an accident (or worse, an intentional "surprise"), or he agreed to have kids figuring you would do 100% of the labor and didn't tell you he hated them. I'm just sorry for the kid.

How long have you two been together? Because, I feel at some point in the relationship, the discussion of children should have come up. Not even, like, a plan, but just so that one person can have a clear view of what the other person wants in life. Did he tell you, clearly, that he didn't want kids and, thus, wants nothing to do with them? Cos if he didn't, then he has no right to complain. Unless, you missed some massive hints, then you couln't of known how he felt. He should've made his intentions clear from the beginning. If he DID tell you, clearly and without a doubt, then both of you should have been more thorough with the contraceptives. Other commenters, if I'm wrong in any way, please let me know.

At least you live close to a state where you can get an abortion. And you live in a time when women don't have mandatory pregnancy tests at state borders. Yet.

First off, yes you are in a sucky situation, no doubt. I agree with others, the whole children topic should have been discussed before doing the baby-making deed. Then additional precautions could have been taken. Maybe that would have changed other situations (relationship with someone who does want children?). That's in the past. Also you should have let him know when you "thought you might be pregnant". I sure hope you have told him by now and you two are working on a plan as to what will go on from here. If not, get someone who does k ow to go with you for emotional support if needed. This needs to be talked through.

girl run! get rid of those cells in your body or give it up to a family that wants to raise a family. I promise, you will regret not choosing the father of your child wisely

I'm guessing that you haven't told him, but if you know you're at 7 weeks, either you know his hesitation about kids, or you just found out about baby. either way sucks for you. how you work it out. good luck.

Sue him for child support if you plan to keep it. I'm very sorry.

If the dude hates kids, then he needed to get a vasectomy or stay celibate.

tiptoppc 19

I hear bleach kills undeveloped lumps of cells. Grab a few bottles of bleach from the local walmart. Then grab the strongest alcohol you can. Take both of those home. Go into the bathroom and lock the door. Open a window as well in there. Make sure no one can find you or find out. Hold your nose and slowly mix the alcohol and bleach so the bleach is barely detectable. Mix it in a large pitcher. You need a lot to do this…. Take that pitcher, find a large glass bottle. And this is important: Get FedEx kinkos to to print a special label that says “boyfriend vitamins - Specifically formulated to bring out the best in bed of your man-stud..” and have it printed with fancy graphics. Pestor him to start on a regiment and dump him in an assisted living home once he’s a drooling idiot and spend the rest of your life with your kid happy knowing he’ll be smarter than that lump of tissue that was his dad…