By facepalmshroomer - 07/02/2009 23:24 - United States

Today, I tried hallucinogenic mushrooms for the first time with my friend. Little did I know, they last for around 6 hours, and I had class at 3, when I had to give a presentation in front of 30 people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 640
You deserved it 85 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

feelslikeanoose 0

How could you not know that mushrooms would last that long? And why on earth would you do ANY drug other than marijuana before a presentation?? Come-on people!

I_Hate_Tpyos 0

obviously you were hallucinating too much to read that he said it was his first time.


haha this isn't an fml at all shrooms are great :)

smartalek 2

Hahahahahahahadude lmfao thats sounds like something i would do!!!

I'm sorry but your an idiot. don't do drugs.

I wish I was there to see your humilation!

lmfao ok this isnt rlly tht awsome ive went to math class completely stoned and my teacher didnt realize anything and on top of that i finished all my work in like 5 minutes