By Anonymous - 23/02/2013 01:47 - Australia

Today, I took my driver's test. I did everything flawlessly, but my examiner kept all but pissing his pants throughout. He yelled, "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US KILLED?!" when I drove past a traffic light just as it was about to turn red. The road was almost empty. He failed me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 743
You deserved it 52 586

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For the test, you need to play it overly safe. Then, once you're granted a license, drive like every other crazy ******.

Your and his perception of flawless driving clearly differ. I trust his judgement more.


Satoaoi 13

that's why teens always getting killed in car accidents Cuz of what you just did

You must be a complete moron. Drive OVERLY safe while taking a driving test. drive as if you have an egg balancing on your head.

Not to be mean, but in Alabama, you would have failed the test AND deserved it.

pere 11

You sound like an American Idol contestant who thinks they can sing...

So he is one of those assholes that stops at yellow lights I'm guessing

ashyash90 8

That's because you're supposed to slow down for the yellows and prepare to stop at the red. Technically a cop can pullyou over and give you a ticket for running a yellow light when you had time to stop..if you went through it as it was turning red it means it had been yellow for a while as you approached it. Don't blame the instructor for your own incompetence and lack of knowledge

"...I drove past a traffic light just as it was about to turn red...." Yeah, that's not doing everything "flawlessly".

Why would you do that? You HAVE to stop, especially with a DMV official sitting next to you. And I agree with the others...your definition of flawless might be completely different with how you were actually driving

jeragonm 15

I was failed on the spot also because she didn't like that I stopped less then half a feet past a stop sign. She flipped out and yelled 'that's a stop sign you just ran a stop.' She also hit my dash.