By bev_rogan - 21/06/2015 10:16 - United States - New Castle

Today, I took a nap. My boyfriend took this opportunity to go over to his "beautiful" and "amazing" ex-girlfriend's house to help her clean out her pool. I told him I didn't think that was appropriate. He told me I don't value relationships and didn't come home tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 052
You deserved it 2 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should reevaluate your relationship with him, OP. He sounds like he is still into his ex, calling her 'amazing & beautiful'. You should be with a guy who only refers to you in that way, not his ex!

Charles900 16

Actually, it sounds more like he doesn't value relationships, especially if he's describing his ex in those terms.


Only controlling assholes dictate who you can be friends with. Of course, he overreacted by pouting like a child, not to mention acting somewhat guilty.


it's not like she said you can only be friends with person a, b, and c. Sorry not sorry that she doesn't want her BOYFRIEND TALKING TO AN EX HE SEEMS TO THINK IS AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL. he should respect her more and either break up if he loves someone else or keep his damn mouth shut and put their relationship before his EX gf.

Well we all know what he ended up doing. He was cleaning out more than his ex girlfriends pool

I think Tom cheating on you is the least of your problems, Bevvy

I don't know if she got her pool cleaned or he got his ashes hauled.

Any boyfriend who calls some other girl "beautiful and amazing" is not worth dating. You deserve someone who values YOUR relationship

ratatata_fml 5

My first boyfriend broke up with me because I was mad that he was going with his ex-girlfriend to put her baby, with another man, up for adoption. He said that if I didn't value thier friendship then we couldn't be together. Less than two days later he was posting stuff online "just got back together with the love of my life, *insert her name*!" And she posted "um... We are just friends." Then he tried to call me. No thanks! Long story short: don't trust a dude who is hanging on to his ex. he just wants to get back with her.

I'd come home anyway, and catch his sorry ass cheating

If he's always talked about her like that to you, why were you still with him?

That sounds a lot like 'he's just not that into you.' He's not even trying to be sensitive to your feelings the way he talks about his ex.

What a douchebag. This should read "ex boyfriend". Go tell him to go back to his "wonderful" ex