By JCruz411 - 21/01/2010 13:10 - France

Today, I talked to my ex on AIM after not speaking to her since we broke up two years ago. The conversation lead up to her asking how I feel about her. So I poured my heart and soul out to her, because I still love her. She immediately logged off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 041
You deserved it 32 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heitone_fml 0

:| I know you weren't trying to creep her out, but when you're talking to her for the first time in two years, I don't think it's a good idea to "pour [your] heart and soul out to her"...

Drea_Gucci 0

She sucks so much. you desver better


Check your drive way she might be coming...

wow shes a cold heartless bitch y wud u want someone like that anyway?!

Flutist 3

AIM CONVERSATION OF CREEPY PROPORTIONS Op signs on: InATree177. Password: I still stalk jessica. Op's eyes glitter: JessicaHatesYou is on!!! InATree177: Oh Jellybean you are on! Oh, I have missed you. JessicaHatesYou: Oh, you. How are you...uh...Todd? No, J. Hello. How are you? InATree177: I am despondent without...uh...not you...but without...cheese. Yes, cheese. JessicaHatesYou: So I have been dating this vampire...his name is Eddy. He reminds me of you, the whole might be gay thing. InATree177: Oh... Thanks? JessicaHatesYou: Do you still like me? I know it has been two years but I am so vain I like hearing about this sort of thing. InATree177: I love you so much. I watch you through your window. I have cameras in your room. I tattoo'd Jessica's Dick on my penis. I just want you to know I have adopted six children from African and Asia so we can be like those movie star people. They all have your eyes, because i genetically altered them myself to look just like you. And I want you back so much my nipples... JessicaHatesYou: Oh god, creep. InATree177: Jessica!? Answer me. I can see you through the window. I know you are there. Don't close the blinds. JessicaHatesYou has signed off.

youthink_fml 0
LucyFur 0

geez dude....its two years!TWO years!you could have learnt rocket science,hitchhiked around the world,finish the Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy AND saved the world!instead you choose to brood!ofcourse she logged off!

peacockfeather 0

Aaaw how come everyone's saying he deserved it? If anything, the girl asked first. Sucks for you OP. At least now you know you have to move on.:( Life's shitty like that.

Flutist 3

He wasn't forced to be creepy like that. Perhaps she had felt they should try again, but it pretty much starts their relationship over. Not hearing from her in two years means he doesn't know much that has happened in her life. She might have liked their relationship and thought, hell lets try again. You don't go on a blind/first date and tell the person you are IN LOVES WITH THEM. AND WANT TO HAS THE BABIES WITH DEM. Creepy. That is why it is the Op's fault. Example; Police: did you kill her? *shifty eyes* Op: With a stick through the... Police: you are under arrest. With relationships, like police interviews, keep the deep, dark, creepy stuff to yourself until you have a grounds for... Just don't blurt out inappropriate things Op.

Sugarlips_xo 0

awwwww :( im sorry. that's not creepy.. you had to get it off your chest! don't worry, there are plenty of nice girls in the world. you'll find someone else who will appreciate you for you. :)

I she did that, she doesn't deserve your love at all .