By anonymous - 21/05/2010 17:26 - United States

Today, I swerved to avoid running over a dead cat in the road. Instead, I ran over its head. The crack of its skull was loud enough for me to hear it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 358
You deserved it 8 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I accidentally ran over a cat once. It was a snow white cat. I heard it's bones crunch, and when I looked back to assess the damage, the snow white cat walked away. Still snow white. No blood, no limp. Like I never ran it over. I like to call it "The Ghost Cat".

mama2b3 20

omg!! thats the worst thing i've ever heard! :'(


i do that same thing when I think about breaking my two front teeth by pretending I have an under bite and being punched. although it's never happened it plays over

I bet it sounded like a bottle or a stick when it cracks it was already dead who cares? Y'all are bigger ******* than my cats.

zero112 0

grow some balls it's not like the cat wasn't dead already omg !!

at least your not heartless otherwise you would not care, it's unpleasant weather it was already dead or not. at least you didn't kill it some other asshole did.

i wouldnt have swerved... run that shit over!

And now I can't get out of my head the thought of what it might have sounded like! Nooooo!

a few years ago a cat ran in front of me before I could have stopped. I ran over it and killed it and it still tears at me. this was just cringe-worthy.