Beyond help

By Anonymous - 01/05/2022 22:00 - Slovenia - Ljubljana

Today, after I found a mental help app that I actually liked, it referred me to a doctor after only two days of using it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 771
You deserved it 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's how "they" do it. "They" give you an app and suddenly "they" say you're crazy and need to go to "they" doctors. Then "they" take your money and control your mind. Mmm-hmmm, yeah.

I understand this, ive been there as well. I've learned some things are needed to be processed in person rather than through an app to be properly handled or helpful to you. maybe try the app for the less intense symptoms you have from a diagnosis you were given and go from there, instead of putting it all on the app. that way when you are ready/able to do in person therapy you have two helpful solutions that could be used as a coping mechanism for a short period of time until you're ready to go all in with a therapist. and if you feel comfortable can also recap with your in person what happened in app that you felt more comfortable to reach out online rather than to your person


That's how "they" do it. "They" give you an app and suddenly "they" say you're crazy and need to go to "they" doctors. Then "they" take your money and control your mind. Mmm-hmmm, yeah.

I understand this, ive been there as well. I've learned some things are needed to be processed in person rather than through an app to be properly handled or helpful to you. maybe try the app for the less intense symptoms you have from a diagnosis you were given and go from there, instead of putting it all on the app. that way when you are ready/able to do in person therapy you have two helpful solutions that could be used as a coping mechanism for a short period of time until you're ready to go all in with a therapist. and if you feel comfortable can also recap with your in person what happened in app that you felt more comfortable to reach out online rather than to your person