By cpatch - 09/11/2009 23:22 - United States

Today, I started the day at my local Starbucks. I was greeted with smiles from everyone I made eye contact with and left the store feeling really good about myself. I got home and checked myself out in the mirror, only to realize I had cut myself shaving and my neck was covered in dried blood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 408
You deserved it 6 399

cpatch tells us more.

I put something on it to make it stop bleeding right after I shaved but it must have opened up again before I left the house. And no, I don't work at Starbucks...I stopped by to pick up breakfast and then came back home.

Top comments

perdix 29

You must live among vampires who thought you looked delicious.

energyphuck 0


This is why you use a mirror when shaving.

Isn't suppose to be, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd? LOL Then again, if I'm wrong, I'm not a genius in english, not even american. OP that sucks. It has happened to me, but on my legs. FYL

dwindling81 0

they were probably surprised that the bearded lady finally shaved

DrPluton 0

That's why I always shave before I shower. It washes the blood away and fills in the wounds.

Why is this an FML? I'd be amused. (probably)

You should have said: "Would you like some ketchup with that?"

wow fuckhead mirrors and reflections are everywhere like let's see here your car has 3 mirrors just for the driver.

#71. why would you need ketchup at starbucks can i have a double chocolate chip frappicuino with extra ketchup? :D