By cpatch - 09/11/2009 23:22 - United States

Today, I started the day at my local Starbucks. I was greeted with smiles from everyone I made eye contact with and left the store feeling really good about myself. I got home and checked myself out in the mirror, only to realize I had cut myself shaving and my neck was covered in dried blood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 408
You deserved it 6 399

cpatch tells us more.

I put something on it to make it stop bleeding right after I shaved but it must have opened up again before I left the house. And no, I don't work at Starbucks...I stopped by to pick up breakfast and then came back home.

Top comments

perdix 29

You must live among vampires who thought you looked delicious.

energyphuck 0


Haha. "Would you like a little plasma with your caf, sir?" You're lucky that none of the customers were hemophobic. Also, that violates the law, so consider yourself lucky if you weren't fired (since you really should've been).

LeedsFML 0

He doesn't work there... Learn to read

frohmatt 0

hahaha, that's awesome! : D no joke

LikeFML 0

Thats Starbucks they smile even when while they are talking smack of ya lol

Uhm, I'm female, but I've seriously cut my legs up shaving and not noticed until the blood's run down to the floor. If you don't see it, sometimes your brain doesn't connect the dots right away, especially if the pain won't be of any benifit, like with a burn pain prevents further injury. A nick? Damage is done, worry about clotting.

0 3

Wait so you were at home, went to Starbucks, then went home? Why?

umm he woke up at home, went to work at starbucks and left for his house when his shift was out, he's not going to sleep in starbucks is he?

Oh who GIVES a shit? The so effing what button has been clicked. 