By holyshitbatman - 09/11/2012 04:53 - United States - Toledo

Today, I started dating a seemingly normal guy. Not even four hours into our relationship, he began telling me that he can see spirits, dead people, and that I have a large black dog following me everywhere I go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 918
You deserved it 3 020

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theycallmejadeee 8

I'd be more worried about the "black dog" following you.


If he's telling the truth, and you believe in that kinda thing, I'd be concerned. Black dogs, AKA Black Shucks, have pretty disturbing reputations.

Waaaaaait... Four hours into your "relationship"??????? That's called a date.

His name doesn't happen to be Tom does it? This happened to me a while back

You started dating someone and 4 hours into the relationship he said this...? So really, he said this on your first date? I don't see what the problem is.

sataris20 5

Don't take it for granted 0.o what if you do??