By ElemTeacher - 02/01/2018 15:00

Today, a student's parent yelled at me because they had to pay for school equipment their son had stolen from my desk. Apparently, it's my fault because the item was just too tempting for him not to steal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 722
You deserved it 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is where a teacher should have the full support of the parents to give the little bastard a good paddling to teach him some respect.

It's parents like this who turn out the Ethan Couches and Brock Turners of the world.


Now the obvious question is who would put the deceleration of independence in a school desk?!

I think you mean declaration. The deceleration of independence is what the parents seem to be bringing to the table.

Lobby_Bee 17

Apologize and suggest they leave a refundable deposit since they don't bother to teach their child stealing is wrong. Could save time in the long run.

Apologize? Apologize for what? Are you ******* retarded?? "I'm sorry your kid is a thief, next time I will be sure to lock everything up before I turn my back for a moment..." That's a great lesson for a child to learn...

Lobby_Bee 17

Calling another person's child any names is just asking for trouble, especially when OP is the teacher. I would imagine OP would like to keep her job.

Seems like a good opportunity to punch them in the face and twist their nipples, because "they're just too tempting a target".

This is where a teacher should have the full support of the parents to give the little bastard a good paddling to teach him some respect.

Celestyna 16

Congratulations! We've created a society where everything is someone else's fault in part because of parents like this who tell their kids that their own misbehavior isn't their fault, either! We're not willing to look inside ourselves to see if maybe we contributed ANYTHING to the problem or not, nor is anyone doing anything to fix the mess since, "It's not my fault, why should I have to do anything?". As a result, things keep falling apart more and more as people keep screaming louder, "IT'S THEIR FAULT, NOT MINE!". I can't wait to see what happens at the end of this cycle. I bet everything gets resolved and we all live happily ever after, though.

Celestyna 16

Yes, YOU did create this society. I hope you’re proud. :)

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BatCatTaco 13

I down voted you for everything that came after "violence is not acceptable.."

I downvoted you for being a Dick about disabilities.

It's parents like this who turn out the Ethan Couches and Brock Turners of the world.

How could you make it so tempting to steal? God, the nerve of some people.

Forty years ago the kid would get a paddling at school and then again at home. Thirty years ago the kid would get a paddling and/or a suspension from school and another paddling at home. Twenty years ago the student would get a suspension and/or detention from school and a paddling when they got home. Today, they'll get a stern lecture at school and the parents call to bitch out there school for attempting to discipline their precious little angel. Bring back the corporal punishment at school and home and this nonsense will decrease in a decade or so.

Bitch out the school, not there school. Stupid autocorrect.

Violence - The universal solution to everything.

thatslifeiguess7 16

THAT pink slip my aunt would take her time signing it so I could be spanked by nuns. OMG there was a place to write goals or suggestions

Discipline and violence are two different things. I needed discipline when I was a child, and thankfully I got it.

Oh boy, another “parent” raising a spoiled brat to believe that it’s never their fault for their abysmal behavior and that it’s always somebody else’s fault.