By racchhh - 26/07/2009 15:25 - United States

Today, I sent a forward to everyone in my phonebook saying, "HOUSE PARTY-NO PARENTS, LOTS OF ALCOHOL, MAYBE A CHANCE TO HOOK UP." I then got a reply from my mom saying, "I'm probably the only one that would show up." Even my mom thinks I'm a loser, and I'm now grounded for 3 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 866
You deserved it 88 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dashiell 0

Loser, srsly, who is dumb enough to not realize that they have their parents in their contacts?

I was gonna put some witty comment, but I realized your mom beat me to it.


LOLOLOLOL!!! YDI idiot. First, because no one wants a bunch of obnoxious assholes in their house getting wasted and having sex. I'm not the type who thinks kids should be subject to the whole "my house my rules!!!" crap that's used to justify overbearing parenting, however it is technically your parents' place therefore you don't have the right to invite a bunch of people. Also, because you didn't check who you were forwarding it to. Duh. Thanks for the laugh though :D

TheCashMan88 0

And what's wrong with the, "My House, My Rules?" stigma? They are raising the kid, why shouldn't the kid have to follow the rules of the house?

miss_mojo 2

you, my friend, are a true class idiot. scratch that.. i'd be too embarrassed to be your friend.

so you got caught planning a huge alcohol party at your house (through your own stupidity, nonetheless) AND you only got grounded for three weeks? wheres the FML here? YDI completely.

YDI for being stupid enough to not think through your contact list before hitting send. Did family and relatives not cross your mind at all? FYL, not for getting grounded, but for being as stupid as you are.

ha is all I can say... hahaha your life sucks

you didn't think your mom was in your contacts ydi big time

TheCashMan88 0

I agree. My kid would have been grounded for at LEAST 2 months.

You texted your mom about a sex party, and she only grounded you for 3 weeks? You are a loser.

netbeui435 3